Mostly Ready! See Notes Below!
Note that some sheets are Examples. Clipboards will have actual forms.
Return to TBP Volunteer HomeHere are instruction pages for some of the jobs. If you do not see your job here, you will just get your instruction at the briefing.
Dressage Jobs Ready!
Dressage Scribe + The Perfect Scribe Dressage Tests 2023 Dressage ScoreSheets 2023
Dressage Scorer: Enter scores from paper scoresheets into Smartphone screen and double check. Be sure sheets are signed and give to runner.
Instructions below this point are complete but the links in BLUE are not ready yet.
Cross Country Start and End For this show!
TBTrot Task Card (Not Ready) Read the Task 1Task and get the Secret Answer from Bobbi.
Start Timer: No set start times but there is a set order and spacing. Each competitor MUST be spaced as shown on schedule to avoid pile-ups.
All competitors use Green Cards. Mark start time on your Order of Go and their Green Card, then count down.
Pick the next start time by adding the Wait Time for the competitor just started to their start time. i.e. Start = 10:00AM, Wait = 10 min. Next Start = 10:10
BTP competitors get points for Task 0. Fill in 30 Points in the Task 0 box on their card if they give you the right answer.
Enter the Start Time and any Task 0 Points into your Smartphone score input screen.
End Timer: Record end time on Backup Sheet and Green Card.
BTP competitors get points for Task 6 and Task 7. See the Task Card for instructions and scoring. Your Clipboard will have Task 7 Answers.
Keep Green Card and Send Competitor to Vet Station.
Enter End Time and any Task 6/Task 7 Points into your Smartphone score input screen.
Zone Team Jobs For this show!
Your Zone wiill have a Hazard, a Cones Patch and a Task. Your Order of Go will tell you what Division the competitor is in so you know what they will be doing in you Zone
CTP - Just Cones. HTP - Cones and Hazard BTP - Cones and Task
Hazard Rules: Time from In to Out as usual. Scribe the route by putting ALL letters driven in the boxes and record time. The only penalties are the ones shown on your scoresheet. For safety violations - call for the TD to decide penalty
Task Rules: No timing required. Task for your Zone is on the Task Card. You can answer questions. No penalties, just Good Bear points for doing the Task.
Cones Rules: No timing required. Standard 160cm measurement. Use the pvc pipe provided to set width if knocked down. Replace downed balls. Record Balls Down (each pair counts for 1 Ball Down even if they knock the balls of both cones)
ZoneScoreSheets.pdf (Not Ready) Use these to record Hazard, Cones and Task Score Info, Then enter into cellphone scoring system
TBTrot Task Card (Not Ready) Read the Task for you Zone - No Timing Involved. Just record Points Earned on the Scoresheet and in smartphone scoring screen
All Routes Color Map (Not Ready) Use to find your Zone and the route to it
List of Gates, Hazards and Tasks (Not Ready) Use to understand the flow to and from your Zone
Vet Box Jobs: Ready!
Vet Box Volunteer Instructions (Live Oak) +
Vet Record Sheets - Singles Vet Record Sheets - Pairs Vet Record Sheets - Teams